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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Sam 26 Jan 2019 - 6:08

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 33774-PORTADA

About the project:

This Version is "final", a lot of changes were made to be workable for Sega DreamCast. The Original Magggas' game World Heroes: Supreme Justice v2012.08.23 (Console Edition) uses more than 20 MG of ram so it is not workable for Sega DreamCast since its memory is 16 MG.

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 33774-CAPTURAS


* The entire sprites ticket was replaced
* Added concepts of Supreme Justice EXTRA version
* The graphic engine was updated
* Level selector added in story mode
* Partial translation into Caribbean Spanish
* Other minor changes

* Fixed the bugs that caused the Sega DreamCast to collapse

* Re-moved fighters: Shura and M. Power
* Re-edited the game introduction
* Re-edited character selector
* Re-edited the game tutorial
* Enabled option to tricks (Infinite Lives, Infinite Movement, Energy without limits)
* New Loading Introduction (^ _ ^) *

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 33774-DISCO


 Author (s): Magggas
 Modifier: Ripfire
 Category: Video Games
 Gender: Street Fight
 License: Free
 English language
 Players: 1 to 2 simultaneous
 Release date: v1.00 [2015.03.09] | v2.00 [2019-01-25]
 Status: Completed
 Version: 2.00
 Engine: OpenBOR v3.0 Build 4111
 Region: Multi (NTSC & PAL)

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 74e6481077879804

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par zouzzz Sam 26 Jan 2019 - 6:40

Sorry but the download isn't too easy and not correct, it's an exe with viruses. Make an .rar with cdi file.
World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Screen10

The real link : https://filetrip.net/others-downloads/openbor/download-world-heroes-supreme-justice-dreamcast-version-2-0-f33774.html

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8406
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Mar 29 Jan 2019 - 4:25

zouzzz a écrit:Hello
Sorry but the download isn't too easy and not correct, it's an exe with viruses. Make an .rar with cdi file.
World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Screen10

The real link : https://filetrip.net/others-downloads/openbor/download-world-heroes-supreme-justice-dreamcast-version-2-0-f33774.html

fixed Wink

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty World Heroes: Supreme Justice [EXTRA] (DreamCast Version)

Message par Ripfire Mar 29 Jan 2019 - 4:28

About the project:

This version is the alternative of the Magggas' World Heroes: Supreme Justice Extra v2012.08.23 (Console Edition), it contains the same content but with different fighters besides many changes were made to be workable for Sega DreamCast.


* Selectable fighters: Gokuu, Janne, Shura, C. Kidd
* Fighters removed: Hanzou, Dragon, Ryoko, Fuuma and M. Power

* The entire sprites ticket was replaced
* It contains the same concepts of the Supreme Justice EXTRA version
* The graphic engine was updated
* Level selector added in story mode
* Partial translation into Caribbean Spanish
* Other minor changes

* Fixed the bugs that caused the Sega DreamCast to collapse

* Re-edited the game introduction
* Re-edited character selector
* Re-edited the game tutorial
* Enabled option to tricks (Infinite Lives, Infinite Movement, Energy without limits)
* New Loading Introduction (^ _ ^) *


 Author (s): Magggas
  Modifier: Ripfire
  Category: Video Games
  Gender: Street Fight
  License: Free
  Language: English | Spanish Caribbean
  Players: 1 to 2 simultaneous
  Release date: v1.00 [2015.03.09] | v2.00 [2019-01-25] | EXTRA [2019-01-28]
  Status: Completed
  Version: 2.00 EXTRA
  Region: Multi (NTSC & PAL)
  Engine: OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3970 | 4055 | 4082

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 74e6481077879804

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par zouzzz Mar 29 Jan 2019 - 7:26

No, it's not fixed...
The DC can't read .exe...
-----> VIRUS

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Virusr10

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8406
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Dim 3 Fév 2019 - 17:14

zouzzz a écrit:No, it's not fixed...
The DC can't read .exe...
-----> VIRUS

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Virusr10


World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Dim 3 Fév 2019 - 17:19

World Heroes: Supreme Justice [PLUS] (DreamCast Version)

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] B8a08f1109462554

About the project:

This Version is "final", a lot of changes were made to be workable for Sega DreamCast. The Original Magggas' game World Heroes: Supreme Justice v2012.08.23 (Console Edition) uses more than 20 MG of ram so it is not workable for Sega DreamCast since its memory is 16 MG.

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 05a3351109462584


* The entire sprites ticket was replaced
* Added concepts of Supreme Justice EXTRA version
* The graphic engine was updated
* Level selector added in story mode
* Partial translation into Caribbean Spanish
* Other minor changes

* Fixed the bugs that caused the Sega DreamCast to collapse

* Re-moved fighters: Shura and M. Power
* Re-edited the game introduction
* Re-edited character selector
* Re-edited the game tutorial
* Enabled option to tricks (Infinite Lives, Infinite Movement, Energy without limits)
* New Loading Introduction (^ _ ^) *

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 01dcc71109462634


 Author (s): Magggas
 Modifier: Ripfire
 Category: Video Games
 Gender: Street Fight
 License: Free
 English language
 Players: 1 to 2 simultaneous
 Release date: v1.00 [2015.03.09] | v2.00 [2019-01-25]
 Status: Completed
 Version: 2.00
 Engine: OpenBOR v3.0 Build 4111
 Region: Multi (NTSC & PAL)

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 74e6481077879804

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Dim 3 Fév 2019 - 17:31

World Heroes: Supreme Justice [TRILOGY] (DreamCast Version)

About the project:

This version is the others alternatives of the Magggas' World Heroes: Supreme Justice Extra v2012.08.23 (Console Edition), it contains the same content but with different fighters besides many changes were made to be workable for Sega DreamCast.


v2.00 (PLUS)
* Selectable fighters: M. Power, J. Max., Kisarah y Neo Dio
* Fighters removed: Hanzou, Dragon, Ryoko, Fuuma (Original Version) y Gokuu, Janne, Shura, C. Kidd (Extra Version)

v2.00 (EXTRA)
* Selectable fighters: Gokuu, Janne, Shura, C. Kidd
* Fighters removed: Hanzou, Dragon, Ryoko, Fuuma y M. Power

v2.00 (REGULAR)
* The entire sprites ticket was replaced
* Added concepts of Supreme Justice EXTRA version
* The graphic engine was updated
* Level selector added in story mode
* Partial translation into Caribbean Spanish
* Other minor changes

* Fixed the bugs that caused the Sega DreamCast to collapse

* Re-moved fighters: Shura and M. Power
* Re-edited the game introduction
* Re-edited character selector
* Re-edited the game tutorial
* Enabled option to tricks (Infinite Lives, Infinite Movement, Energy without limits)
* New Loading Introduction (^ _ ^) *


 Author (s): Magggas
 Modifier: Ripfire
 Category: Video Games
 Gender: Street Fight
 License: Free
 English language
 Players: 1 to 2 simultaneous
 Release date: v1.00 [2015.03.09] | v2.00 [2019-01-25] | EXTRA [2019-01-28] | PLUS [2019-01-31]
 Status: Completed
 Version: 2.00
 Engine: OpenBOR v3.0 Build 4111
 Region: Multi (NTSC & PAL)
Format: Pandus DiscJuggler Image (CDI FOR CD-R 700MG)

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 74e6481077879804

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par zouzzz Lun 4 Fév 2019 - 0:24

This is my last warning, your archives contain exe (not bootable on Dreamcast). Next time I'll ban you from the forum.

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8406
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par fafadou Mar 5 Fév 2019 - 9:52

Please I know you are doing a good job but the .exe are not usable. Share an .iso or a .cdi and we're able to change the format by ourselves. And it will be more simple for you.
I can't play your games since you release some .exe neither...
Newseur DC

Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par Ripfire Mer 6 Fév 2019 - 20:13

zouzzz a écrit:Hello,
This is my last warning, your archives contain exe (not bootable on Dreamcast). Next time I'll ban you from the forum.

fafadou a écrit:Please I know you are doing a good job but the .exe are not usable. Share an .iso or a .cdi and we're able to change the format by ourselves. And it will be more simple for you.
I can't play your games since you release some .exe neither...

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] 3a69621117650514

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] ItHKy
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2013

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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

Message par zouzzz Mer 6 Fév 2019 - 21:13

Sorry Ripfire, the forum will no longer accept "exe extractor".

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8406
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL] Empty Re: World Heroes: Supreme Justice (DreamCast Version)[DREAMSHELL]

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